Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event
Tree Lighting Festival 2023
The Town of Hookerton is happy to announce our 24th Annual Tree Lighting Festival on Monday November 27, 2023.
Join us on Monday, November 27th for plenty of food, fun and entertainment. We will showcase local vendors, food, auction items, raffle, door prizes and 50/50 drawing.. Flimsy the Clown will be here to entertain kids of all ages. Come and be a part of this exciting event to kick-start your Christmas Spirit. Parade, Performances and of course---SANTA are all a part of this extravaganza.
If interested in becoming a vendor, parade entry, performer or sponsor for this event, please contact Mary Cantey or Robin Spence at the Town Office by calling 252-747-3816.
All are welcome. We hope to see you there!