
Police, Fire, & Emergency Services
If you have an emergency situation, please call 911. For general information about Police, Fire and Emergency Services in Hookerton, please see below.
Police service in the Town of Hookerton is provided by the Greene County Sheriff's Department.
Sheriff Lemmie Smith
301 N. Greene Street
Snow Hill, NC 28580
(252) 747-3411
The Hookerton Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1956 and incorporated in 1959. The 30 active members of the VFD operate out the Town's fire station, which was built in 1985. The Department has business meetings every first Thursday of the month and training every other Thursday. Accepting applications for membership now, applications can be found at the Town Office.
Fire Department Leadership
Emergency Services
Emergency Services in Hookerton are provided by the Hookerton EMS. Chartered with the Hookerton Fire Department in 1963, the EMS has seen a number of changes over the years, with the most notable being in the vehicles they drive.
EMS Leadership
Sheri Taylor, Captain
Raymond Clemmons, Board of Directors
LeRoy Whitfield, Board of Directors
John Sugg, Board of Directors
Billy Moye, Board of Directors
Bill Rose, Board of Directors