Community Calendar

Community Calendar
The Town of Hookerton hosts a Tree Lighting Festival each year. Plans are underway to reintroduce a spring/summer festival. Stay tuned to this page or check out our Facebook page for upcoming announcements.
We welcome participation and invite everyone to attend.
In November, on the Monday following Thanksgiving, the Town of Hookerton holds our Tree Lighting festival. This event takes place from 5:30 pm until 8 pm. The Christmas story is read, followed by the traditional 'Lighting of the Tree'. A parade flows down Main Street, with candy and treats tossed all around, attracting many to get their first glimpse of Santa. Food, craft, and jewelry vendors line the sidewalk, while volunteers pass out tickets for door prizes. Inside one of the shops on Main, you will find 'elves' assisting with 'face-painting' for the little ones. Festival goers have the opportunity to take a picture with Santa - using their own camera, or to join him on a carriage ride. This event also marks the beginning of our Food and Toy Drive. Non-perishable food items, and new unwrapped toys or gifts are collected until the third Wednesday of December; and, they are then delivered to Greene County Interfaith, in Snow Hill, NC, for distribution throughout the county for families in need.
We invite everyone to attend these events. Come and see how much fun it is to be a part of a small Town that has a GREAT BIG HEART.
For more information on either of these events, please call the Town office @ 252-747-3816. Our staff will be happy to assist you.